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5 Benefits of Appropriate Prenatal Care

5 Benefits of Appropriate Prenatal Care

Pregnancy is an exciting and somewhat scary time in your life. Not only is your baby growing inside of you, but your body is changing as well. 

Since there’s no way for you to magically see inside your womb to check on your baby’s progress, prenatal care is important every step of the way.

OB/GYN John Paul Roberts, MD, and our team in Plano, Texas, have years of experience providing prenatal care to moms of all ages. This care is so important for a healthy baby, a healthy pregnancy, and a seamless delivery.

When does prenatal care begin?

Prenatal care actually starts before you become pregnant. If you’re thinking of getting pregnant, see Dr. Roberts to prepare your body for pregnancy. But the real care begins once you find out you’re pregnant.

If you think you’re pregnant, make an appointment right away. This helps us focus on you and your unborn baby’s health before a problem arises. From the beginning, prenatal care is focused on making sure your body is healthy, so your baby can stay healthy too.

Over the nine months of pregnancy, you continue with prenatal appointments, which become more frequent as you move farther along in your pregnancy. 

Prenatal care — what it involves

At your first prenatal visit, Dr. Roberts does a routine exam and gets information about your family history, and your medical history. He asks about prior pregnancies and any chronic diseases you may have.

We also get your height and weight, along with your blood pressure and pulse. Dr. Roberts performs a pelvic exam and may do a Pap smear if needed. He may order blood work or a urine sample to check for any problems or conditions.

Dr. Roberts determines your due date and listens to your questions and concerns regarding your pregnancy.

Subsequent prenatal appointments are usually shorter and involve monitoring your weight, measuring your abdomen for growth, and checking your blood pressure. Dr. Roberts checks the baby’s heart rate to make sure it’s within the normal range.

You may also have an ultrasound or other testing that correlates to how far along you are and any risks that may be involved in your pregnancy.

Benefits of good prenatal care

Whether you’re a new mom or it’s your second or third pregnancy, prenatal care is vital to a worry-free and healthy birth.

There are a lot of benefits of prenatal care. Here are five of them:

A healthier pregnancy

Prenatal care visits help you maintain good health during your pregnancy and help Dr. Roberts detect issues like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes early. The earlier they’re detected, the easier they are to treat. 

Peace of mind

Being pregnant can be overwhelming, especially when you’re worried about your baby’s health. Prenatal visits offer testing that gives you piece of mind when it comes to your unborn baby. 

Genetic testing, ultrasounds, and other tests allow Dr. Roberts to check on the well-being of your baby in the womb.

Prepare for the delivery

An important benefit to prenatal care is preparing for your baby’s arrival. Dr. Roberts helps you and your partner come up with a birthing plan and answers any questions or concerns you may have about the labor and delivery process.

See your baby’s development

How well your baby is growing is a huge indicator of their overall health while in your womb. Prenatal visits allow Dr. Roberts to measure your belly to determine the overall growth of your baby. Ultrasounds also help us keep track of your baby’s development.

Keep your nutrition on track

At your prenatal appointments, Dr. Roberts helps you get the information you need on eating properly for you and your baby. You need some extra calories to keep you and the baby going for nine months. Dr. Roberts also advises you on foods you should avoid during your pregnancy.

If you’re pregnant or planning to get pregnant, Dr. Roberts offers excellent, hassle-free prenatal care. To schedule an appointment, contact our office in Plano, Texas. You can also book an appointment on this website.

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