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Why Hormone Replacement Therapy May Be the Best Way to Manage Your Menopausal Symptoms

If you’re nearing menopause or already there, you may be experiencing the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. There is hope though. Hormone replacement therapy may be able to ease some of your symptoms during this transition in your life.

When you come to our office for a visit, Dr. John Paul Roberts can discuss how hormone replacement therapy can get your life back to normal. Dr. Roberts is a board-certified OB/GYN who offers many treatment options for all of your reproductive needs.

Menopause: What can you expect?

Menopause occurs when your body stops producing the hormones needed to achieve and sustain a pregnancy. This can occur as early as your late 30s, but for most women menopause will begin closer to the late 40s and beyond, with the average age being around 51.

The two main hormones that dwindle during menopause are estrogen and progesterone. These hormones keep your menstrual cycle going, preparing your uterus for pregnancy every month. They fluctuate during this time but are always a constant in your system.

However, during menopause, these hormones continue to get lower and lower, sending your body into a state it’s not used to. This can produce many unpleasant and unwanted symptoms, including:

Although these symptoms won't last forever, you may be wondering what you can do to achieve some sort of normalcy during this change.

Managing menopause with hormone replacement therapy

Once you decide that you’re ready to do something about menopausal symptoms, Dr. Roberts can give you an individual plan for managing them. Hormone replacement therapy is one of the top choices in managing the symptoms of menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy involves artificially replacing the hormones estrogen and progesterone in your system to balance out those unwanted symptoms. There are two types of hormone replacement therapy: systemic hormone therapy and low-dose vaginal treatment.

Systemic hormone therapy can be achieved in a variety of ways including:

Any of these forms contain estrogen, which will affect all parts of your body. This form is most effective for hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.

Low-dose vaginal estrogen comes in the form of cream, tablet, or a ring. These forms of estrogen are inserted into the vagina for treatment of vaginal symptoms only. These forms only help vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, but are not effective in treating other symptoms of menopause.

Benefits of hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy has been shown to help calm the symptoms of menopause, while having other benefits as well.

Hormone replacement therapy may benefit you if you are experiencing moderate-to-severe menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. There are some possible risks that include blood clots, breast cancer, and stroke, however, if hormone replacement therapy is started before the age of 60 or within 10 years of menopause, the benefits may outweigh the risks.

Another great benefit of hormone replacement therapy is the prevention of bone loss and reduction in fractures related to osteoporosis in women. Along with this, if you are receiving estrogen and progesterone therapy, your risk of colon cancer is greatly decreased.

If you’ve been suffering from the adverse effects of menopause and are ready to discuss your options, contact our office in Plano, Texas, at 972-591-8826 to schedule a consultation, or you can book an appointment here on the website.

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